Thursday, October 8, 2015


The sky from 5-5:30 am: This morning I was up and out by 5:12 am and it was wonderful. As groggy and hateful as I feel when my 4:52 am alarm goes off, once I am up and out I curse myself for not jumping out of bed before my alarm to enjoy the calm and peace and wellness I feel. My day is better from then on. The sky this morning was incredible. It was as though I could see each individual star and the moon. It made for a brisk start, but so worth the view. B was even outside with Charley when I got home and we looked up and enjoyed it together for a brief moment before we started our work days. It's the little things.

That is not that cold:  When my alarm goes off, I also immediately check my weather app. When it said 36 a few mornings ago, I didn't hesitate to reset my alarm for 5:30 and skip the early run. However, it's not that bad. Especially when you get with most was 48 and wonderful.

How much I missed running: As evidenced by this whole post, I have missed running. There are no other words and thoughts for it. When I begin my day with a run it sets the tone for each minute that follows. I am a better person because of it. I am learning that it's okay that I took months off. I am not going to beat myself up over it. I am just going to enjoy the fact that I am indeed back.

The free spirit of Charley: My border collie/Australian Shepard mix puppy that we got in April is nothing but a free spirit. She runs with wild abandon with not a worry or a care. I wish I were more like her in so many ways. It hurts my heart when she's in her crate all day, but I take comfort in knowing that B gets home at noon to let her spirit run wild for a few moments and then when she sees me when I walk in the door there is nothing like it. She can barely contain herself. Since I have no children (yet) this is what it must feel like to be truly loved. I can't say there's much better than that!

The way words flow off the screen and directing into my soul: I have often, even in my minimal postings, speak of Kristin Armstrong. Like I mentioned before I have been away from the blogs that I follow with what could be consider religiousness. These words just spoke to me today: "If I run, I might not say something I regret. If I run, I might choose to stay connected rather than pull away. If I run, I might come up with a totally different option, invisible to me when I was overwhelmed or frustrated. If I run, I might forgive someone else, or possibly even myself. If I run, I might resurrect my gratitude. If I run, I might be able to see someone else’s point of view. If I run, I might decide to wait to respond another day. If I run, I might decide to think about something else entirely–because what I focus on expands. If I run, I might unravel the knot in my stomach and in my head. If I run, I might decide to choose love instead of ego or fear.  If I run, I might remember who I am, instead of reacting like the person I used to be. If I run, I might revive my confidence, tapping into my strength. If I run, I might regain perspective and see my problem as temporary. If I run, I might release my grip and wisely decide to let go. If I run, I might move in order to find stillness.
If I run, I am always, without fail, a better person than if I stay home." Kristin Armstrong-Mile Markers Blog on 

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